Monday, May 19, 2014

A Birthday Celebration

I cannot wait to tell you all about the amazing time I had this weekend at the Elevate Conference- but I am waiting to be able to "steal" some of the photographers shots.  It was an amazing weekend.

Today instead I will tell you about Ryder's birthday last week.

Last week my preemie baby turned 4!  I cannot believe how fast time is going.

We had a cake of course.
The cake was his request, a square cake with a letter-R race track.  In a lot of way it was one of the easiest cakes I have made.  The trickiest part was figuring out the R, but I plan on giving a tutorial on it next week.

The best part, the cake decorations were cleaned off afterwards and he had another present.

When we asked Ryder what he wanted for his birthday he wanted, a microphone, a panda bear and a train.

He was very happy to get all his presents.

Along with some shopping money, he got a very special BYU football outfit.

He fainted when he saw it, just watch the video to see the faint and more birthday fun.


  1. What a great birthday! That cake came out great!

  2. Wow - great job on the cake! I've always bought Lexie's because my cake decorating skills are, let's just say, not exactly stellar. :) Lucky boy getting all his birthday wishes!

    1. Thank you! My mom is super good at cakes and I picked up a few things from her, nothing I am amazing at but something I enjoy

  3. So much fun to see it all through their eyes, makes it all worthwhile. They really do get joy out of the simplest of things.

  4. Hello, I'm stopping by from the SITS Facebook group, where I saw your blog listing! Amazing pictures! I'd love for you to check my blog out as well at,, as well as my twitter and facebook feeds! Thank you!

  5. So fun Em! I love the video so much. I can't believe he's 4. It seriously seems like Madeline just turned 4…crazy! The BYU football uniform is awesome. And your cake! I didn't realize how big it was. Awesome!! SO excited to see you guys!

    1. Yes it was definitely very big-- way bigger than I wanted to make but had to be for the cars we wanted to put on it

  6. That cake is amazing! Happy Birthday to your precious little dude!

  7. hehehe, he's soooo cute! So what's the Cha Cha Cheetahs thing all about? I've never heard that. lol. at first I thought he said Cheetos. I think I'm just craving Cheetos... lol.

    1. They do say cheetos the very last time, it is something she picked up in school when they sing for kids birthdays. Not sure why they do it at school

  8. I have to tell you how much I get more information love you, I hope you know I love you every day of the year, far more than simple words can express.
