Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Get Off Your Phone

"Okay one more stop then we will get something to eat." I promised Ryder.

We had spent the morning running errands, most of the things were for his upcoming birthday so he wasn't really complaining.  We needed to go grocery shopping still but lunch time was approaching. We were on the other side of town so decided we might as well stop at In and Out for some lunch.  An animal style cheeseburger was sounding really good right then.

We finished our shopping then made it to In and Out and ordered our food.  Ryder told me about the stickers they gave him while we waited for our food.  I heard my phone beep indicating I had a text message.  I quickly pulled it out and replied to the message saying I would be able to make the upcoming girl's night.  I opened up Facebook and quickly scrolled through, seeing if there was anything new.

They called our number, so I dropped my phone into my purse so I could get our food.

We sat and ate, occasionally talking.  Ryder asked me what some different words said, we talked about how he was going to be four, and just enjoyed our meal.

At that moment everything felt just right.  I finished my food and rather than immediately grabbing my phone, like I too often do, I just sat and watched Ryder eat, encouraging him to actually eat more of his sandwich instead of only french fries.

We finished our food and started cleaning our table.

"Excuse me, can I say something?" a rather gruff voice asked from the table next to us.
"Sure" I said trying to smile pleasantly.

"I just wanted to say it is really nice to see a mom just sitting there having lunch with her son and not on the phone. It is a good thing."

"Thank you." I said sincerely.

I felt good.  I felt a little proud even...... then a little guilty, as I remembered when I was answering texts and checking Facebook before our food came, before that man sat at the table next to us.

I shook off that guilt and instead decided to feel that joy of that moment, not just the joy of the unexpected praise from a stranger but the joy and peace I felt from just sitting there enjoying lunch with my son, being truly present in the moment. I want to remember that feeling, as I want to have an urge, a desire, a hunger even for that feeling, as it is good and it is what really matters most.

Those moments, being there, really being there.

Sometimes we all just need to get off our phones.

Linking up with Shell's PYHO


  1. Perfectly said. I'm terrible about it when we're out - especially running errands. We try to avoid it in the evenings though. My husband in notorious for answering work emails and sending messages in the evening and I use FB way too much. The phones stay by the door until the boys are in bed and we try to be 'in the moment'. :)

  2. I try to keep my phone away when we are out eating just the two of us and at the dinner table. But I am guilty of pulling it out when we are grabbing a quick lunch and I know I shouldn't. So this is a good reminder for me to put it away.

  3. No guilt. Because there's nothing wrong with checking in like you did. But then you put it away. I think it's better to have a balance- to have times when you are on and then other times when you're off!

    1. Yes, I think the guilt came from the fact that way too often I would not have put it away, sadly that moment was a bit of a rare one lately— but that is going to change!

  4. Oh, that's lovely. And so true. Nothing new on Facebook will ever be as important as spending time with your kids!

    1. Yep- just need to remember that when Lucas is talking on and on to me about minecraft ;) As I told him once, “no I don’t like Minecraft but I love you and you are important to me, so I listen to you talk about it because it is important to you.

  5. YES!!! I catch myself far too often and then turn my phone off and realize this is the moment to be 100% with my kids. Good for you! And no guilt! You embraced the moment and let it all go at just the right time.

    1. Yes, often I won't even need to check anything it has almost become an unconscious habit at times but then I think what it must look like from my kids eyes, need to be there for them.

  6. Yep, it willl all wait, I have to remind myself of that.

  7. That is so true!!! I try to remind myself of that frequently!

  8. I ate breakfast one morning at an iHOP here at home and there was a lady on her phone (back before texting and smart phones really were the it thing) the whole time talking about who she did what with the night before. The only time she spoke to her daughter was to get on to her for acting up. I couldn't help but think, well pay attention to her! So a quick peek on your phone but mainly being at the table, yeah I say that's definitely something to be proud of!

    1. Yes, it is amazing how many problems can be resolved or stopped before they even happen if people just pay attention.
