Tuesday, May 29, 2018

10 Things to Smile About This Month

It is the last Tuesday of the month which means it is time for 10 Things to Smile about.  This is when I look back and find 10 things that made me smile during the month.  I love doing this, especially on the hard months as it helps me keep an eternal perspective.

10 Things to Smile About in May

1. Being invited to a Cinco De Mayo party with friends
Cinco de mayo party

2. Watching Alex perform in her class play
School play_0200

3.  The Hope of America Performance
Hope of America performance

4. Mother's Day and how much my family spoiled me
eggs benedict

5. Ryder turned 8!
captain America birthday cake

6. Watching Ryder in karate

7. Utilizing the Movie Pass and going to lots of movies with Eric
at the movies

8. Finally doing a photoshoot again.
editing newborn pictures

9. A good spring season, and it ending and us having a couple week of break

10. May flowers (and thunderstorms!)
purple iris


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