Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines Love and Sickness?

Happy Valentines Day!

I feel like I have been barely around the blog world this week.  Being sick will do that to you.  Doesn't my body know- mom's can't get sick?  A day of total fatigue, mucus-spewing coughing, chills, and feeling like I had a wad of cotton stuck in the back of my throat only to discover it was actually my tonsils so enlarged they were touching at times; I went to the doctor.

They didn't test me for strep, as my throat it-self is actually not sore, but are medicating me like I have it.

Sometimes I feel like I could do more and should do more (and yes that at times is true) but after being sick for a few days and hardly being able to do anything I realized how much I really do!

Don't get me wrong, Eric has totally stepped in and helped out but there is only so much he can do in the few hours that he is home.

So anyway-- Happy Valentine's day right?

Obviously no Proud Mommy Moments today as now that I am starting to feel a bit better I need to get things ready for our Fancy Family Valentines Dinner; which has become a yearly tradition.
A picture from last years-- click here for the post.

And two years ago (click here for that post) when it began-- and look at cute Ryder- he dressed up for the occasion
time goes too fast!
Of course in a couple of days I will show you what we are doing (did) this year too.  So I hope you have a wonderful day.

P.S. Did you know this is National Random Acts of Kindness week?  If you have or are doing something and blog about it; it would be a perfect post to link up with Heartfelt Acts. 
Click to Join us in Spreading


  1. Aw, poor you and you're right, Mom's don't get sick do they?? At least we don't get sick days off. You're quite a trouper. I think I'd be hiding in bed under the covers tossing out conversation hearts that say, "Go to McDonalds!" :) Feel better and Happy Valentine's Day. Oh and last year's table was beautiful and Ryder is aaaaadorable. :)

  2. Moms are definitely not supposed to get sick. I hope you're feeling better very soon. I can't wait to see what you have planned for Valentines Day! :)

  3. Yuck! That must be miserable. I hope you feel better soon. I love your fancy dinner tradition and think i am going to copy you tonight. Thanks for such a great idea!

  4. Yuck! That must be miserable. I hope you feel better soon. I love your fancy dinner tradition and think i am going to copy you tonight. Thanks for such a great idea!

  5. You're so sweet to fight through the yucky and still pull together a special Valentine's Day tradition!

  6. Happy Valentine's Day! I'm sorry you've been so sick. It's the worst. It sounds like you're on the mend, yay!

  7. I love your fancy v day dinners!!
    Sorry you've been sick. :(

  8. What a fun dinner! :) You are the coolest mom.
    I'm sorry you're so sick and I hope you feel better STAT!

  9. Hope you start feeling better soon.
    Happy Valentines Day.

  10. I so understand the sore throat - I just got over Strep. Man o man what would we do without antibiotics! Anyway hope your feeling better, your table looks so nice!

    Happy Valentines day to you!!!

  11. Aw, you poor thing. Have a fun fancy dinner tonight, and hope you're feeling more like yourself soon.
    Happy Valentine's Day

  12. Just so you know, I totally copied your idea. It was a smashing success... minus the tantrums, but those are sort of a given. Anyway, thanks for reminding me of this great idea. I think we may also make it into a tradition!

  13. Oh my Ryder looks so small! Hope you are feeling better!

  14. Get better fast Miss!! And I can't wait to see pics from yesterday!

  15. I'm so sorry you are sick! I wish you were better especially on Valentine's Day!!

  16. It is truly the pits when Mommma is sick. I am sorry it hit you so hard this time around. I hope your Valetine's Day shaped up to be a great one!! Not sure how I've managed to not get sick-- I'm the only one in the family who hasn't had a flu shot... Love ya!!!

  17. Aww, I hope you're feeling 100% soon. Things do pile up when we can't keep right on top of them.

    The table setting you put up looks fabulous. I can't wait to see what you did this year.

  18. I didn't blog, because I might say something I would later regret! hahaha. Here's hoping you, me, and all our minions are better SOON!

  19. How fun! The dinners that is. Sorry you have been ill:(

  20. Sorry you've been sick! I hope you're feeling better now.

    I love Valentine's traditions!
