Thursday, January 28, 2016

Planning The Perfect Family Valentine's Dinner

Several years ago when Ryder was only one, we were having a hard time find a babysitter for Valentine's Day; so we decided we would stay home and have a fancy Family Valentine's Dinner.  It was a huge hit and new tradition began.   Eric and I still go out as a couple, just on a different night when we can get a babysitter and the restaurants aren't so busy.
Planning the Perfect Family Valentines Dinner

I am planning this year's Fancy Family Valentine's Dinner so have been searching the internet for some new ideas.   Here are some of my favorites.
 (Click on the titles to take you to the original posts)

Going simple or all out- here are some ideas to get you inspired.

The Table- Most of these are disposable, making cleanup easier! 


For dinner you really don't have to do anything fancy, just do something everyone likes.  Eric and I love sushi- the kids not so much, so we will get heart shaped ravioli for the kids and sushi for ourselves; makes it a win-win for everyone.

Start the meal right with a heart shaped fruit salad

Grill Some steak or pork chops with a side of heart shaped potatoes


Cupid Floats to drink

See our past Fancy Family Valentine's Dinners 

What do you do for Valentine's Day?


  1. What an awesome party post! Super cute ideas; I especially love the cut out pepperoni and potato heart shapes!

    1. Yes, food cut into shapes just makes it more fun and yummy for some reason :)

  2. Oh I love this!! Growing up, my mom always made a special family Valentine's dinner and I loved it. I want to start this same tradition with my littles.

    1. Thank you! Yes, we didn’t really do anything growing up, but this has definitely become a favorite tradition.

  3. I think I'm going to try something like this with Chris and the kids. Neither Chris nor I is really into Valentine's Day at all, and the idea of going out on that day is, like, pure insanity. But this sounds like fun.

    1. Yes, I have no desire to go out on the actual day, and the kids really do love this.

  4. I love idea and creativity. I am going to borrow most of these ideas for out Valentine's Day night in!

  5. I love idea and creativity. I am going to borrow most of these ideas for out Valentine's Day night in!

  6. So many cute ideas! I love all the heart shaped foods!

    1. Thank you! It is fun to have food fit the theme

  7. I love this tradition! We usually do a Valentine's Day breakfast, but we might also do a dinner this year, too!

    1. That would be fun to do a breakfast- and would be easier this year with V-day being on Sunday

  8. This is perfect! A friend suggested this to me a few years ago. She said she brings out her best china and tablecloths and all. We still haven't done it yet, but it's a tradition I'd love to start!
