The baby of the family is always spoiled. I think more often than not that is just the facts of life. Oldest children hate hearing this, the poor neglected middle children even more... but it is just life.
Case in point:
- -For Lucas (and then handed down to Alex) we bought the second cheapest car seat we could find. It was safe and great, just one of the cheap ones. Ryder--well he has the Cadillac of car seats a Chicco 30. And man let me tell you it is nice, so easy to adjust.. love it. But hey, he was small and we had to find a good car seat that was good for preemies, especially with our long drive home after his discharge.
But there are benefits to being the oldest too. The oldest child's baby book is always religiously written in. The oldest child gets all new clothes (no hand me downs available). The oldest child gets the most adult interaction and ends up with the highest IQ. And usually there are the most pictures of the oldest child (just ask my little sister-the baby of the family- who there are practically NO baby pictures of).
Well that last one holds true, except for in our family. I have always liked taking pictures.. but it has just been the last couple of years that I have gotten really good at it and also have a good camera to go along with my new skills. And so our little Ryder at 4 weeks old already has more baby pictures then both Lucas and Alex combined.
So what can I say, you win some you lose some... unless you are the middle child then well you just seem to lose. --Written from a bitter sort-of-middle-child

Another spoiled baby picture from our last photo shoot.
I just love him.
ReplyDeleteComing from a middle child, all of what you say is true - times a hundred ;)
Another middle child here- and SO true!
ReplyDeleteI my HEART! That picture gave me chills. AWESOME Em!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
ReplyDeleteAnd good thing for Alex that although she is the middle, she's the only girl, so that should give her a few perks! Right? ;)
You know I love it. Still do. Being the youngest isn't always roses and kittens...I got blamed for lots of stuff I didn't do. Just sayin'. hahaha.
ReplyDeleteWe are the same way in our family! I have so many more pictures of my last child! I remember thinking that I took a lot of my first... Ha! I'm sure I'll take more as I get better lenses as well! Such cute cute newborn pictures!
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ReplyDeleteThat is too stinkin' cute! I think Ive done just as well for both on the pics too, but I love having hand me down clothes and toys for Layla that I didnt have for Rhiannon...saves a fortune!
ReplyDeleteI love that!
ReplyDeleteI think I have more baby pics of Daisy than any of my other babies too! Mine is also from having more experiencing taking photos and a better camera!
So true! Although my little brother would disagree that he's the spoiled one! He thinks he never got anything! Birth order is such an interesting thing!
ReplyDeleteHe is too cute. I am a SMACK in the middle child and I think I am the favorite :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a darling spoiled baby photo! I don't have any middle kids so I can't say but both of my kids did get advantages in different ways to be oldest and baby. :)
ReplyDeleteThis is totally true! There are virtually no pictures of Boo, while I have TONS for Sissy. Of course, a photographer, I am not, so I don't take pictures. I leave that up to the professionals!
ReplyDeleteGreat pic! I love it!
My brother would argue about the spoiled younger child ... but I wouldn't!!! : )
ReplyDeleteAnd you are totally channeling Anne Geddes for this photo! LOVE IT!
this picture is the best thing ever to see right before I snuggle into bed. He is getting cuter and cuter by the minute!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful picture!
ReplyDeleteOMGOSH, how cute is that?!!
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah, I'm a bitter middle kid too ;)
Holy cow! I have missed soooo much! I have a lot of catching up to do!
ReplyDeleteLoved this post and so true!
Love the photo sweet! I've missed you! I hope you are well! I'm going to read back and find out!
what an adorable pic. I agree with you. I have a 5, 2 & 14 month + a baby on the way. The baby tends to get the most attention because she has more needs, in our case I think our oldest gets the least amount of attention - he gets alot but maybe a wee bit less than my other 2. He is a great brother & helper though - most appreciated!
ReplyDeleteOh, that photo is adorable! and isn't it great to have your girl as a middle? Then she doesn't seem to be as over looked. Also, she doesn't get hand me downs as much being a girl... cute! The bucket looks like a cup when Ryder is in it because he just so small in a really cute way.