As I try to think back to a time (which really wasn't that long ago) when I didn't always have a phone or electronic device in my hand- it really is almost hard to remember.
My generation (I will be 32 this year) is quite a unique one.
I remember when we got our first VCR (that is the thing that plays tapes that have shows-what we had before DVD's- just in case you have no clue like my own kids). I remember in kindergarten going up and booting up the Commodore 64- Command C- you would always first type to get it to do anything. And then as a teenager we got Internet. Everyone knew when you got on-line as the horrible screeching of the dial-up was loud enough to wake the neighbors. I bought myself my first cell phone at the end of my freshmen year of college- yes not high school- college! It was a pretty advanced flip phone that you would pull the antennae up when you were on a call- similar to this one
Basically as a child and really for over half of my life technology was a very minimal part of my life.
Now my children- they won't remember a day without computers, iPads and cell phones (and no- none of my children have their own phone). It is just part of their world- as is Facebook for teenagers now days. I don't know how many times I have found myself saying I am so glad Facebook didn't exist when I was a teen; with my track record of very short high school relationships, I would always be ping-ponging back and forth between "in a relationship" and "single". I had enough drama without having to worry about what to set my relationship status to.
So I find myself, along with those close to my age in an interesting place. A place where we can remember what it was like without it-- but young enough that it started to play a major roll in our lives while we were still young (early 20's).
Obviously I love and embrace technology. I am a blogger and I
Sorry started twitching there.
I think I'll stick with what we've got.
Since it is Tuesday I am linking up with some other great Tuesday meme's. IA and Shawn's Talk to Us Tuesday and Stacy Uncorked's Random Tuesday

My kids like to hear about the old days of black and white TVs (with no remotes or cable) and phones with cords. Oh and very limited shows for kids. It's hard for them to imagine!
ReplyDeleteI remember the simpler days. Where my parents played music on a 8-track and records. I remember my dad's 110 camera, with the film you just pop in. Sometimes I miss those old days but couldn't live without the technology of today.
ReplyDeleteI'll be 29 this year (in a few weeks in fact) so I know this time you're talking about. I remember how cool it was when my mom got a car phone and how I wanted to use it but you got charged by the minute, phone plans really weren't an option. Heck, my dad's bag phone got GREAT reception when nothing else would. My step-daughter doesn't really know what a land line is, however we have one b/c we get horrible cell reception at our house. But I feel bad for the generation coming up because they spend way more time in doors than I ever did at their age.
ReplyDeleteoh and btw, you got an award on my blog today :)
I think about this all of the time. I remember being a senior in high school when we first got internet through the crazy dial-in modems and here my kids are using IPads and Iphones. I also remember when I bought my first cell phone in college, craziness.
ReplyDeleteIt is crazy to think about the changes...and when we first got the internet...and cell phones. I mean we actually went places without having a phone...can you believe it? :)
ReplyDeleteit' crazy to look back and remember there was a time when cell phones and computers didn't exist the way they do know. you wanted to talk you went to a friends house, play a game go outside or pick up a board game. as much as i love the technology i think we are becoming disconnected from human contact and interaction
ReplyDeleteI remember those days! I even distinctly remember, once digital cameras started becoming more popular, telling my mom that I just wanted a regular one, with film. When she tried to buy one, they laughed at her and told her nobody bought that kind anymore. I still don't know if I'll ever be swayed to buy an e-reader - I just love the feel and smell of books too much - but otherwise, I've given myself over to technology. I miss the simpler times too, yet I've embraced technology for all it can offer.
ReplyDeleteHAHA! I can relate to all of this, I still love the feel of books though. I'm sure I'll get one someday but for now good ol paperbacks are where it's at. =)
ReplyDeleteI remember being in jr high and someone signed my yearbook with their email address. I had to all what email was and i was so impressed that someone in jr high had email. That was something corporate CEOs had, not jr high students!
ReplyDeleteMy dad had one of those brick looking cell phones... er, we called it a car phone. How times have changed!
I am 33 and had a very similar experience; first cell phone as I started my sophomore year of college, had a Windows 3.1 IBM when I first got to college, and things were really so different; we didn't always want or need to be reachable. Crazy how times change!
ReplyDeleteThis post is great and so true! I always wonder by the time my 10 month old daughter grows up what technology there will be. I miss some of the simpleness of old times but at the same time I couldn´t go a day without my laptop/phone. I use google to find everything out and it´s the only way for me to stay in contact with my family
ReplyDeleteIsn't it amazing how fast technology has advanced in a relatively short amount of time? Hard to fathom how we did without it, and like you I've often yearned for going back to those 'simpler' times. You know, until the twitching starts. ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for being such a diligent Rebel! :)
Steamy Weather, Nomination Honor, Wonky Thermostat and Asshat Parking
I'll be 32 in January and you are so right. I sometimes really miss my pre-technology life. When I was teaching Jr High kids and told them I was their age when the internet really started going in people's homes, they thought I was SO old!
ReplyDeleteGreat minds think alike...I talked about the same thing today.
ReplyDeleteThere was something so exciting about getting your pictures developed!
When I was a kid I remember getting a microwave and thinking that it was cool.... I remember hearing about cable for the first time, getting a VCR... and the internet... no clue what that was until I was out of high school!
ReplyDeleteYes.. I'm old.
Ha! I totally get this. It is SO nice to be unreachable sometimes. And it's good to unplug...however, I would never want to go without all of my gadgets for a long period of time ;)
ReplyDeleteIt is weird to think how much things have changed in our short lifetimes … and how much our kids will take for granted. I'm very good at unplugging actually. When I'm on vacation, I don't think about anything electronic (except my Kindle of course.)
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I were just talking about this the other day. So glad all the technology came about when I was old enough to afford it! Ha! As a child, I probably wouldn't have nearly all the apple products I have now. My parents barely made ends meet with what they had. I did have a time where we went on a cruise recently and we were cut off from the world! It was really nice! I used my camera for pictures and locked up my phone. :) It was such a refreshing feeling to not miss it. It's funny because even when we docked, I still didn't rush to grab it. :)
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed your post!
Oh the good old days!!!
ReplyDeleteOftentimes, I too wish we could just go back to the basics. Stripping ourselves of all these gadgets will certainly make life less complicated. Sure, technology has taken us to places we only before imagined, but if we look back, we did get by with whatever was available to us. We still thrived even in the absence of Facebook, Twitter and those gadgets. If we could only turn back the hands of time...
ReplyDeleteThis is so true. Who would have thought I would be grabbing my camera to take pics of dinner. Or other random stuff. I'm glad Facebook wasn't around when I was a teen. Oh Lawd!!! The thought makes me shiver.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter is 32 as well, and I remember well the things you mentioned above. Every generation adds more inventions. Think of our grandparents, when TV was new. Crazy! Makes you wonder what gadgets will be around in 50 yrs.
ReplyDeleteGosh, I watch old shows all the time and think, "oh my gosh! If only they had a cellphone they owuld not be in this mess...X-Files especially...sheesh Scully could get into some messes!
ReplyDeletePeople near my age were some of the last to never have cellphones as high schoolers...I remember I had one my last year and it was for emergencies only...soon after that was when texting took off and teens started going cell phone is so bizarre how fast technology moves and continues to move even faster!
ReplyDeleteMy first cell phone was enormmous!
I'm older than the internet too.
The one thing that does bug me now is that whenever there's the slightest lull in conversation or activity, people pull out their phones. Why do we do that? Why don't we just talk about something else?
ReplyDeleteWe were having this conversation with Ryan yesterday...I didn't have on demand, I didn't have dvd's etc. So my mom one ups me: I didn't have TV. Thanks mom! hahaha.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it funny how we have all become so dependent on our phones and other techie gadgets? If I forget my phone I have a mild panic attack, if I don't have time to return home for it I go into a full fledge freak out mode!
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking up with us Miss Emmy, you know we Love ya! Oh, and start sharing all of those pictures!
I so hear you. I didn't get my first cell phone until I was working my first job out of college. It was provided by my employer and I felt SO COOL. Now, I seriously can't imagine life without my phone.
ReplyDeleteGosh, I think about this all the time and wonder if I could go back. I didn't use a computer until college, rarely watched TV until after I got married, and didn't use a cell phone for more than calling until just two years ago. I've always been behind, but I think it's because I've always been reluctant to have these things take over my life as I've seen it do to others. It's tricky - figuring out how much time to spend with technology, but I definitely don't think I'd be capable of completely giving it up!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if I want to go back and give up my iphone. I can put it down when I want. I've even been known to run errands and KNOWINGLY leave it at home just because. But I love it and can't imagine my life without it.
ReplyDeleteHOWEVER, simple times weren't so bad either.
Thanks for linking up! Sorry for the delay in a comment from me. =(