1. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
Definitely the friendships and connections; knowing that I am not the only one out there going though something and that there are people who have my back. I have been able to meet some bloggers in real life and it is always so surreal meeting a stranger who you feel like you know everything about.
2. What do you find your inspiration for blog posts?
Mostly every day life, my kids, things that are happening at home, sometimes things in the world. If I am drawing a blank I always like finding parties like this one with good ideas for what to write about.
3. Are there any blogging trends you follow?
I guess social media. When I began blogging I was not even on Facebook, not my blog didn't have a Facebook page, but I myself was not on facebook. I didn't want to either as it seemed silly and one more thing to do. Now I am on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, YouTube, and Instagram to name a few. It really has changed the whole face of blogging.
4. Any trends you don't like?
See number 3-- I really have a love/hate relationship with all the social media. I love that Pinterest is my number one source of traffic. I love the new bloggers I have met through twitter, etc, but I hate that I feel like I have to keep up with all of that stuff.
5. What advice would you give to a new blogger?
Decide why you want to do it. Are you doing it for money? Are you doing it for journaling? Are you doing it to share your story? Whatever you reason may be hold on to that and remember that as there will be days that you will really think, why the heck am I doing this? Also, go comment on other blogs and if someone comments on your blog please visit their blog (unless they leave a lame comment like, "hi, I liked your post come read my blog"- I give you permission to ignore those people). I always try and go back to the blog of someone who commented on mine. I will be honest sometimes it takes me a week (or more) but I will get back to it.
So how about you, what do you like about blogging? What keeps you going?
Yes, to all of this. We are like twins!
DeleteI could have written this whole post! I will celebrate 6 years of blogging in December. That's a long time! I definitely have a love/hate with social media too. It's awesome and a time suck all at the same time! And Amen to your advice. I definitely have times when I wonder why I still do it, but then I take a break and miss it!
ReplyDeleteThat is a long time! Yes, I think especially those of us who started blogging before social media was a big part of it do have a love/hate relationship with it.
DeleteFive years! WOW! I hope I can stick with it that long! Have you ever taken a break for more than like, a week?
ReplyDeleteNope, I don't think I have. The times I have taken a week or more off I have always set up guest bloggers to. I never blog on the weekend and miss days here and there (more lately it seems like) but otherwise nope almost 5 years solid!
DeleteBlogging really has changed over the years. I started mine six years ago next week and it is a completely different world! I don't know how you do all the social media, it is overwhelming to me. But happily, the friendships made have stayed strong.
ReplyDeleteHoly cow you have been doing it longer than me :) The blogging world really has changed so much, some for the better and some not so much.
DeleteThat's a good answer to #5. I hate that I hardly keep up anymore. It just got to be too much with 3 kids, work, and then blogging is just a lot of work in itself.
ReplyDeleteYea, I feel so bad when I get behind on commenting back but then I hate that I feel bad about it… but the community really is what keeps me going, so I will keep chugging along :)
DeleteTotally agree with all of your answers!
ReplyDeleteSometimes I feel overwhelmed by all of the social media as well. I went through a phase where I was always panicking, because I WANTED my blog to have 2000 followers, but I didn't have the time to commit to developing it into such. I'm now comfortable with my circle of blog pals (and of course, always open to welcoming more!) - content with the size of my blog, and the platform I use... and I'm so very grateful for the friendships & connections I've made with other bloggers!!! :)
Yes, I can definitely see the huge advantages of the social media but then I almost wish it would all just disappear at the same time too and be back to the days of just blogging and reading others blogs.
DeleteI definitely go through little phases where I want to make my blog grow, do all the social stuff.. but in the end it always for me comes back to the connections and the writing outlet and that is what matters most to me.
I will hit four years of blogging the beginning of November. I love that I have met some really great people doing this and the fact that I can look back and see where I was and what our family was doing for all that time.
ReplyDeleteSocial media still baffles me in some respects.
Funny how many of seemed to start in November.. guess with the year ending thinking of goals for the next year maybe? Yes, I definitely love being able to look back and see what happened in my life as it really is my journal in a lot of ways too
DeleteI remember these ... Mamarazzi is definitely missed!
ReplyDeleteGood answers, especially the last. I needed to read that today! I am not a fan of social media either, not really! I have fb and instagram, but neither are attached to my blog - those words are very different!
What keeps me going is the fact that I have a terrible memory - therefore need to write down so much of what's on my mind. And I think it's going to be important to look back at the struggle when I'm on the other side of the couch one day, to remember standing in their shoes.
Great answers Emmy! The reason I blog is it's my source of journaling and to remember the day to day things that happen - and if I quit my Mother In Law would kill me! HA I've been booking my blog every year and giving it as Christmas gifts to my parents and In-Laws they love it!
ReplyDeleteI only Instagram and blog - I don't have a facebook page or twitter.
Wow, 5 years! I love blogging, but it's hard to keep up with social media and homeschooling and 3 kids and baking 1 more. Phew! But I love the friendships I've made through blogging. What can I say? I'm hooked.
ReplyDeleteI think I'm like you... love hate relationship with social media. Here lately I feel like I have no time for it. I love coming to read your blog. That post the other day I shared on facebook really hit home! I loved it!
ReplyDeleteYes to everything that you said.
ReplyDeleteSocial media can be the biggest time suck in the entire world! And while Twitter used to be a great place to connect and have fun conversations it just isn't anymore and it makes me sad.
I love social media, esp Twitter, but Pinterest is becoming my biggest source of traffic, so I have been trying to pay more attention there and Google+. My favorite thing about blogging is definitely all the connections!
ReplyDeleteGreat answers!! I sortof wonder what my blog would be like if I hadn't fallen into the social media world wind. Its hard to keep up and remain true to yourself and the reason you started to begin with....
ReplyDeleteLove the friends you make and love that your one of em.