Thursday, May 28, 2015

Boredom Bucket: Fun Things Kids For Kids To Do

When summer comes all of the routines and habits you had established can easily go out the window. Kids suddenly have a lot more free time which means at some point they will inevitably say "I'm bored".

So I created the "Boredom Bucket".
Bordeom Bucket List

I up-cycled the 'bucket' from a Mountain High Yoghurt container.
Bordeom Bucket-1
I know if I don't start the day with a good breakfast, I tend to eat poorly the rest of the day.

A bowl of yogurt, sprinkled with some fresh fruit and that day is started right.
Bordeom Bucket List
Getting that right start seems to make all the difference.

Don't miss the coupon that Mountain High Yoghurt is offering, just scroll down to get the scoop on their page.

I love that their yoghurt comes in a big container so I can serve just the right amounts to my kids, no more half eaten yoghurts that way.
Bordeom Bucket List
Besides the yummy yoghurt, the container is quite useful.

Our summer hasn't been long enough yet for my kids to utter those word 'I'm bored", but I decided to be preemptive and ensure that I was ready for when those words came.

The Boredom Bucket
Bordeom Bucket


Bordeom Bucket
I washed out the empty container (just fill with hot water and dish soap and put on the lid and shake) and decided to make it pretty. I used a 12X12 piece of scrapbook paper, it was the thicker card stock type.

I marked where the container ended then cut the piece straight across.  It didn't quite cover the whole container, so I cut a straight strip to fill in the gap.
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I painted the modpodge right on the container then stuck the paper to it and it held up great.  Since the paper piece was a rectangle and the container gets narrower at the bottom, I cut little slits about every 1" and then folded the pieces down and used modpodge to get them to stick to the bottom.
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I used the lid as a template to cut a piece to cover the lid.
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I used a chalkboard sticker for the label and some liquid chalk markers to write.

It came together quickly and I then had the Boredom Bucket; which of course needed to filled with ideas.
Bordeom Bucket
I typed a list of almost 60 ideas, which you can download by clicking here, then cut the list and added it to the bucket.
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As soon as I showed my kids what I had made they were immediately claiming they were "bored" and had to pull an idea out.  Alex and Ryder spent the rest of the afternoon doing one activity after the next.
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Making and flying paper airplanes
I tried to explain that wasn't quite how the boredom bucket was supposed to work....
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but they were having too much fun to really care.
Who knew that a simple yoghurt container could be so much fun?
Head over to Mountain High's Pinterest page to see some other great craft and upcycling ideas you can do with your yoghurt containers. 
How do you beat the summer boredom?  


  1. Great idea - I need to do this!

  2. Boo Hoo...I wish I was out on the lawn with them having a picnic!

  3. Cool! And I can totally see Alex and Ryder burning through the bucket. Haha

  4. This is such a fun idea! And we all know that the kids will undeniably get a case of the "I'm bored"'s this summer, lol. ;)

  5. The Boredom Bucket is such a cool idea.

  6. Such an awesome idea. I love repurposing stuff!

  7. Love this idea! This would be perfect for when my nieces and nephews visit as I am always hearing the "I'm bored" whine!

  8. We just loved trying out Mountain High Yoghurt! So clever and I love how it turned out!

  9. This is a really sweet idea to get rid of those boring summer days.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Website was giving me errors & my last comment got messed up! Sorry.

    This is such a great idea! My kids get bored about a week into summer break, so I'm going to have to bust this out when the time comes. Thanks!

    Found your idea on the Best of the Blogosphere :)

  12. What a great idea!! I'm definitely going to have to do this for my youngest kiddos this summer vacation. I'm already getting worried about what I'll do to keep them busy!

  13. This is a fantastic idea and a great way to teach your kids how to recycle.

  14. such a great idea and a way to teach the kiddos about recycling too.

  15. Neat idea. My grandma used to always tell me if I was bored I could clean the (insert item here such as windows, floors, etc) and when I told her I didn't want to she'd tell me I wasn't bored. ha!

