5 Thoughts
1. I am happy to report the first day of school went wonderfully! Lucas found his way to all of his classes, one of his friends from church is in one of his classes, and he loved the school lunches they have here. Ryder went on and on about the different things at this school, but how much he loved the different things and how much he loves his new school. Alex found where band meets after school and loved her teacher and found her church friends at recesses to play with. I am so grateful they have all had a great first week.
2. I finally got back to more unpacking yesterday, which coincidently, or not so much, was the first day my mother-in-law came back to help (she has been sick). It really is so much easier to do just having someone else here.
3. We are finally supposed to get our first snow storm today, it has been kind of nice having mild weather, but I am kind of excited about a good snow storm, since we do live in a cold snowy place now.
4. This week involved lots of cousins. On Monday my brother and his kids came over, and last night we met Eric's sister and her kids for dinner and then they came over and hung out a bit. It is nice being close to so much family.
5. Alex tried out with a soccer team this week too. All of the girls were really nice and it seems like it might be a good fit, we just want to check out a few other teams first to be sure.
5 Pictures

Glad everyone settled in ok - making new friends and fitting in can be hard for some people but it looks like your kids are well adjusted! Enjoy the snow!!