5 Thoughts
1. Ryder managed to survive waiting one more day to celebrate his birthday (Mother's Day was hard for him). He had a great birthday and we were able to open presents early, since Eric got home early, and then went out to dinner at Culvers. I cannot believe he is 8 years old.
2. All this week Alex has been participating in her class play. She did an awesome job and actually had three roles, including singing a solo. She didn't want me to see her solo before, but I was at a dress rehearsal and so then was able to give her some tips on her movements while singing. I don't think I would have been brave enough to do a solo at her age.
3. Alex also had a soccer game on Saturday, they ended up tying. She had an amazing save at the end to persevere the tie. She played a great game despite the rain for the second half.
4. This week has been a bit hard for me... for the first time since moving I have just really missed my friends back in California. Alex's old class is doing a lot of end of the year stuff and getting ready for their 5th grade graduation. She is doing great in her school year, but I am sad for her missing out on that with the kids she had gone to school with since kindergarten.
5. Lucas said he wants to get his Eagle Scout before the program ends next year. I hope when it comes down to the work and things he needs to do he remembers he is the one that said he wants to do it.
5 Pictures

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