Thursday, August 23, 2012

Proud Mommy Moments: Shapes

It's Thursday!  If you are new around here that means it is is Proud Mommy Moment (#PMM) time!  This is your weekly chance to brag about the awesome things your kids, nieces, nephews, etc did and no one will judge because we told you to. Or you can do the opposite and tell us about those moments your kids made you so "proud"- i.e. something totally embarrassing but hey it makes for great blog material!  Please grab the button for your post and visit my co-host Kmama.

Every Thursday!

In order for me to survive totally enjoy my new found freedom of only one kid for part of the day, I decided to sign Ryder up for some activities.  We started the first of our activities last week, library story time. And yes, there really was a sign up for it which was completely full after only 1 hour!

We made it to the story time and found the buttons with our names on them, we deposited the buttons in a basket as we entered the round rotunda style room.  Long bench like seats, three rows high circled half of the room.  I found a seat for us right front and center, it did help that we were the first ones in the room.   Ryder sat beside me and looked around, his hand safely on my lap.   As more kids began entering he quickly climbed onto my lap, figuring one hand was not safe and close enough.

The story time began with a song which encouraged the toddlers to move and wiggle around.  Ryder happily sat on my lap and watched hardly moving a muscle.  He sat quietly through the stories and the songs... in fact all he did was quietly sit, always paying attention but too scared to do much of anything.    When I tried to stand him up on the floor in front of me during the last wiggles song, he screamed "no!!!" as if  I was torturing him while scrambling back to the safety of my lap.

But then it was play time.  The librarian brought out books, blocks, cars and puzzles.  "Come on let's go play" I encouraged.

With me right by his side, he was ready to brave this new adventure I had put him in.  He soon found a shapes puzzle and pulled out each piece, laying it beside the puzzle then quickly and accurately put each piece back in it's correct spot.  He did this again and again, he was in love.

The librarian came over "I am very impressed" she said.  "Most of the toddlers seem to have have trouble with that one.  He really is very good at that and is getting it right away."

"He does love his shapes"I replied beaming with pride.  Yes, he might not have sung and danced and wiggled around with the kids but I was still a very proud mommy.

What is your proud mommy moment this week?


  1. That's wonderful! You'll have to get some more puzzles for him to play with at home now. :)

  2. Cute! Buster always loved puzzles too. I think it's awesome that they start problem solving at such a young age.

  3. That's awesome!!! Mr. Smartie-pants! I'm glad you guys are keeping busy while the other 2 are away. What other things have ya'll signed up for?

  4. He's gonna be a whiz kid! I can feel it!

  5. Such a smart kid! It is amazing how different each kid can be. Graham was not very good with fine motor skills, but Davis is a whiz kid!

  6. I'm sorta jealous.... my 2 1/2 yr old never, ever.... ever sits still.

  7. Give him time, I'm sure he'll come around to singing and wiggling but you have every right to be proud of him! That's so awesome!! And just think, he loves his momma!! She's his protector!

  8. That's a cute story. He really is a smart kid!

  9. He's so smart!!! I am a huge fan of story time!

  10. Aww to have just one would be sooo nice!! I can't wait til next year! So cute...

  11. What a smart little guy! And how awesome he sat still the whole time, I know Allison would been running all over LOL

  12. I'm jealous. I had to drug mine to get them to sit still. Not that I ever did or anything.

  13. He is really smart! How cool!

  14. That's awesome. I can't believe you have to sign up for library time. I'm glad it is so in demand, but I hope it doesn't mean a bunch of folks don't get to do it. I go to one in my city that is starting to get SUPER full. It's my favorite one too.

  15. that is awesome! i sure do love those proud moments! cooper was signing the ABC song on his own this morning and I was so proud.

  16. Good job Ryder! Isn't it ridiculous how happy this kind of stuff can make you feel?

  17. Aw! You know what that means? He is going to be a logical or analytical thinker....I think. :-) Linc is the same way...only he is super active too haha...he takes after his Dad lol Ryder just sounds and looks so adorable!

  18. Awww he said mom where are the puzzles? :) Forget all this dancing let's do shapes!

