Soon we were able to head up to your scheduled c-section, your older brother haven't not lead the way very well.
I felt very calm, relaxed, almost sleepy. Before we knew it we had this beautiful baby girl.
As you grew we realized to our shock that you had red hair-- and the personality to go with is.
Now you have officially reached double digits.

You live life to the fullest, with the biggest personality... yet you can be so calm and quiet and some might say almost shy at times.

Your teachers adore you as does your Daddy, you are definitely his girl.

I have so many dreams and hopes for you and I know you will do amazing things, it really feels like there are limitless possibilities with you and I am fascinated to see what directions and paths you will choose in life.

There are little moments when I see worry or fear in you that first shocks me- but then reminds me more of myself at your age.

I will always love you, you will always be my girl; I know someday this fact will be even more significant as there is nothing quite like a mother-daughter relationship.

I hope you live your dreams, but always remember what truly matters most and that your heart always stays good and kind.

I am so proud of who you are and the things you stand up for, for how you live your faith and life.
To my red-headed daughter, I love you.

Happy Birthday.
What a perfect place for a photo shoot! Absolutely gorgeous! I hope she has a very happy birthday!