And maybe that's okay.
But at the same time, right now I am in the process of preparing the second year of my blog to print (this November will be four years blogging). I am finding old gems, I am reading through memories I almost forgot. I am reading Ryder's birth story which I didn't document anywhere else.
And I am glad.
Glad I have taken the time, the time to document, the time just to write; the time to let it all out some weeks, the good, the bad and the funny.
And then Ryder grabs my hand, making me go with him. He throws a football in a basket.
One, two, three footballs. Then gives me a high five. Then he pulls each ball out one at a time and hands them to me. Looking deep into my eyes every time he hands me a ball. Seeming to say, "mom, are you watching? Are you really there?"
And yes, yes I am.
I need my blog, I need this outlet. I need the friendships I have made.
And I need to be there for my kids.
So if I see to come and go, don't worry I am never far and you are all always on my mind. And maybe just celebrate with me because if I am not here it means I am where I really should be.
Linking up with Shell's Pour Your Heart Out- it is her 2-year anniversary of this meme.

P.S. But I will be here for Proud Mommy Moments tomorrow- so come back and link up :)
Emmy you just come and go as you please, you're blogging friends aren't going anywhere. Everyone needs balance in their lives so no worries!
ReplyDeleteI think we all go through this now and then...I know I do. I sometimes feel guilty if I don't blog as much (so I'll repost old posts hah), and I'm guilty of not commenting as much when I get too busy. Can't help it when "real" life gets in the way...but I agree I also need my blog to record my life and those kids moments and more...I think I have more photos on my blog than in actual scrapbooks or photo albums. Nothing wrong with enjoying some blog free time now and then :)
ReplyDeleteI've been having the same conversation with myself.
ReplyDeleteI asked myself yesterday....why am I doing this.
I love blogging and feel like I should print out my posts and put them in the baby book - because I may not write the first time he rolled over in the baby book, but I blogged about it! I agree that it is nice to not think about it and just go and enjoy being a mom - but it's great to have the blog to refer back to and reflect on the memories. It's a wonderful keepsake. Go and enjoy your family and blog when you can!
ReplyDeleteeverything has it's season:)
ReplyDeleteits, not it's;)
ReplyDeleteI have been having days where I just don't blog. And that is okay. But yeah, I totally get the outlet thing. It is cyber version of leaning on the fence and gabbing with your neighbors. ;)!
ReplyDeleteIs Ryder really going to be two???
I've been faced with the same struggle. I see the comments piling up in my inbox and I can't seem to get to them quickly enough and then I feel like giving up. But I need my blog. It's my outlet and I've poured my heart and soul into it.
ReplyDeleteBut there are other areas of my life that need more attention.
So I continue to find that balance, as we all seem to keep needing to find.
Being present for your kids is much more important than any blog post!!
Blogging is a personal thing and sure... making connections is awesome and I would be lost with all the friends that I have made online but ultimately, you have to blog for yourself.
ReplyDeleteYou will find the balance. I know it.
Yeah...I ask myself why. I don't know that I document enough...I just ramble.
ReplyDeleteIt's definitely a balancing act---but it is so great to have it to look back at the memories!
ReplyDeleteI'm working on my second year blog book too. It is such a slow process, I wonder if your way is easier! I would love to see your book when I'm there and talk blogs.
ReplyDeleteIve been thinking the same thing. Its getting warmer out which means more outside time with the kids away from the computer. I doubt I will blog a whole lot during the summer.
ReplyDeleteHey Emmy-Don't worry. We all have our daily lives and loved ones that take over us. You said it so right...if you are not are where you are suppose to be. :) Enjoy that beautiful family of yours. :)
ReplyDeleteI think the key is to not feel beholden to anyone. Just blog when you want, when you can. I have to remind myself of this constantly.
ReplyDeleteI think knowing that other people go through these moods makes the rest of us feel normal!! It also helps that I have you on speed dial if things get crazy and I need you-- or randomly email you when I didnt mean to which strikes up convo too!! xoxo!! Friends forever!!
ReplyDeleteI miss blogging and commenting like I used to, but other things need to come first sometimes. But it is good to know that my blogs will always be there when I need to get it all out.
ReplyDeleteboy do i unerstand this post clearly..hugs
ReplyDeleteWhen he tugs you away and you follow, you're doing the right thing. Balance is a tough thing to find with blogging!
ReplyDeleteOh I hear you on this!! You just do what you can and are able to do without taking time away from what is truly important. What takes all the time is visiting other blogs and trying to reciprocate all the visits and grow your blog. If you can let some of that go, it gets easier! (Sure you may lose readers, but you gain in more valuable ways.)
ReplyDeleteFinding balance is hard...but I think it's so worth it!!
ReplyDeleteI don't have little ones left at home any more, but I wish I would have been blogging then. I have printed two books from my two years of blogging. They are priceless to me.
ReplyDeleteI think that you shouldn't worry about whether or not people visit your blog, you should post thoughts and pictures. That's what really matters. And playing football. Those days will end so fast.
I totally understand this. I need to write, to remember everything that has happened, to get things out... and I LOVE the friendships I've made through blogging. But, I have to choose my kids over my blog friends a lot. Or work over my blog friends. Because our families have to come first! xo
ReplyDeleteI'm at this place right now. I've had to stop commenting so much. Not b/c I don't want to but b/c I just can't. I need 10 more hours in my day. I love to write and I love the connections, but I need to slow down. I get it.
ReplyDeleteI agree! If you need to take a break, take a break. We will all understand.
ReplyDeleteThis is EXACTLY how I feel lately. I am way behind on reading and commenting, but I love doing it...I just feel like it can't come before all the little stuff with my family. Great post. Keep taking your much needed time away, but keep coming back too!
ReplyDeleteLately I have been spending less time blogging because I realized I was spending more time with my computer than with my kids. It feels better to be more involved with the kids now. They need me more than my blog does.
ReplyDeleteI feel exactly the same way lately. I've really become a slacker blogger, but I think that's OK for now. It's so hard to balance everything.
You could have read my mind Emmy. As women and mothers we have so much on our hands. Sometimes blogging doesn't happen as often as we want it to be. But it's always here for us and that's the beauty of it. Thanks for always finding time to drop by my blog.
ReplyDeleteThat is me too! I've also heard it from other blog friends. YOu just need to find balance someway so you can enjoy real life but still document the memories. Take care!
ReplyDelete"But I find myself being drawn, drawn to other projects, drawn to spending more time with my kids... drawn to everything other than blogs.
ReplyDeleteAnd maybe that's okay." - Yes, it's not only OK, but it's necessary. I enjoy blogging but only to the extent that it doesn't interfere with my enjoyment of my real life. Love and live your life. We'll be here when you are ready!
This is exactly how I feel right now, hence not posting in more than a week...
ReplyDeletethere are things that are just taking a top billing to others, like my blog,
though I love my blog dearly, like you.
i can't believe it's been 4 years for you! Hope you're having a good spring break!